Buckle Up!


It’s the law! FYI……. Not having on your seat belt leads to probable cause…..a friend of mine serving on grand jury; shared the experience. A few young bloods driving down the Jersey shore, unbuckled. They were pulled over for not having seat belts buckled. One fellow jumped out & ran. He incurred bigger problems…..the driver was using his brothers license.. police found miscellaneous drug paraphanalia & had a story which brought them charges facing grand jury….. Buckle Up!

About tastemedrinkme.com

people person who enjoys sharing lifestories and experiences..... most conversations with friends and family normally starts with "how do you..." I enjoy art;dabble in water color, reading; for relaxation.. cooking; definitely 'chef potential'.. music; abba - zztop ..professinal pastime; hair design...... work at home; which simplifies the art of ' domestic engineering made simple',no cutting corners...just basic how to's.... sharing......

One response to “Buckle Up!

  1. Sal

    And don’t text and drive !

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